Our analytics tailor robust methods for harnessing and exploring global patent data to help patent holders, attorneys, investors, and analysts make informed decisions. Our platform brings a digestible, interactive vantage to each relevant innovation space. This ensures delivery of rapid data driven insights providing material competitive advantages.
Using advanced analytics to understand risks and opportunities related to patented technology.
Patent searches are a valuable way of researching existing intellectual property, but are often expensive, incomplete, and leave a wealth of questions unanswered. Our analytics practice cuts across a robust collection of data sources and delivers digestible insights to answer your questions thoroughly and fast.
Key Questions :
Where are people innovating in my industry? In which other industries might my patent(s) be viable? Who might be using my patent(s) unfairly or illegally? What businesses might be interested in licensing or purchasing my patent(s)?
Randolph Square’s advanced analytics deliver tailored reports on a specific patent, group of patents, or the landscape in which the patent is used. We can also assist in determining whether an idea is patentable. Our analytics help identify strengths and weaknesses of a given patent, applications in other industries, potential infringement, and more.
Patent Viability
Is your idea patentable? Our reports can deliver critical information about patents surrounding a given idea, allowing you to better understand the landscape in which your idea exists.
Relevant Adjacencies
Our reports analyze how your idea can be used outside of your industry, how you can expand the scope of your patent to include other technologies, and how to find relevant competitors who may be interested in acquiring or licensing your technology.
Infringement Analysis
Our reports analyze how your patents may be subject to infringement.
Our analytics search 99% of relevant international patent filing jurisdictions – over 120 million patents – to develop comprehensive reports concerning patents and patent applications.
Our specialized team reviews the findings of our search and develops a tailored assessment of your patent(s) with specific recommendations for action.
We foster innovation by helping patent owners understand the ways in which their patents can be further protected, strengthened and monetized.